How Does Turmeric Work Against Alzheimer's Disease?

Can turmeric help prevent or treat Alzheimer's disease?


Pharmaceutical treatment drugs such as tacrine, donepezil, galantamine, and rivastigmine mostly inhibit the enzyme that breaks down the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. The drug memantine helps regulate glutamate. This is another neurotransmitter brain chemical that helps memory and storing information in the brain. (iv.1359)

Conventional drugs only treat the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. They can also cause side effects such as diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue, confusion, and increased incidence of heart attack and stroke(iv.1359)

Turmeric compounds can help keep your brain healthy in many ways. Especially with curcumin, lab and animal studies suggest an array of possible benefits for Alzheimer's patients: (iv.5315063)

Overall Benefits of Turmeric Compounds in Alzheimer's Disease

Overall Benefits of Turmeric Compounds in Alzheimer's Disease

A Naturally Safe Herbal Option

Most of the studies on the effects of turmeric in Alzheimer's disease have been conducted with curcumin. The results suggest that it may be an effective and safe natural alternative to the few FDA-approved drugs to treat Alzheimer's. Turmeric compounds also don't come with the potentially serious adverse side effects of other anti-inflammatory drugs. This includes NSAIDs, which can cause ulcers or kidney damage). (iv.13545)

Turmeric's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties could help prevent Alzheimer's from developing. Preliminary studies indicate it may also help reverse or slow down the disease. Research shows that turmeric compounds can also counteract conditions (such as diabetes, immune deficiency, and thyroid disorders) that contribute to Alzheimer's disease. (iv.13545)

Essential Nutrients and Antioxidant Polyphenols in Turmeric Can Help

Turmeric has vitamins and a mineral that are essential for brain health and functioning. These include the types of brain functions impaired by Alzheimer's disease (e.g., memory and cell signaling). In addition to curcumin, turmeric also contains many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory polyphenol plant compounds. (iv.13-534424345)

These turmeric compounds could help prevent or decrease the activation of brain immune cells. This may reduce the toxic chronic inflammation in the brain associated with Alzheimer's disease. Some even stimulate production of the acetylcholine (ACh), an essential neurotransmitter for learning and memory. (iv.434424345)

In lab, animal, and clinical studies non-curcumin turmeric compounds have shown beneficial effects that could protect the brain in Alzheimer's disease. These include:

Turmeric Compounds That Can Help Fight Alzheimer's Disease

Alpha-Linolenic Acid
(an omega-3 fatty acid)

Question: How can alpha-linolenic acid help fight Alzheimer's disease?

Answer: Research shows alpha-linolenic acid has the following beneficial effects in the brain:

  • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. (iv.3957)
  • ALA stimulates production of ACh neurotransmitter(iv.57)
  • ALA increases absorption of glucose by cells so mitochondria can make cell energy. (iv.57)
  • ALA is a precursor to omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. These are important components in brain cell phospholipids that play a role in signaling and energy production. (iv.64)
  • Studies suggest omega-3 fatty acid intake may lower the risk of developing Alzheimer's. (iv.64)
  • ALA could slow down progression of Alzheimer's and loss of intellectual abilities. (iv.57)


Question: How can calebin-A, a protein in turmeric, help fight Alzheimer's disease?

Answer: Research indicates calebin-A has the following beneficial effects in the brain:

Cinnamic Acid

Question: How can cinnamic acid help fight Alzheimer's disease?

Answer: Studies show cinnamic acid has the following beneficial effects in the brain:

  • Cinnamic acid has anti-inflammatory properties. (iv.65)
  • Research suggests cinnamic acid helps protect neurons from damage that could contribute to dementia. (iv.66)

Ferulic Acid

Question: How can ferulic acid help fight Alzheimer's disease?

Answer: Research indicates ferulic acid has the following beneficial effects in the brain:

  • Ferulic acid prevents decreased ACh neurotransmitter levels in the brain. (iv.67)
  • Ferulic acid also reduces inflammation in the brain. (iv.67)
  • Ferulic acid may improve symptoms of impaired ability to think. (iv.67)
  • Ferulic acid lowers blood sugar, stimulates insulin secretion, and enhances absorption of glucose by cells. These activities could help prevent the Alzheimer's-promoting effects of diabetes and insulin resistance in the brain. (68)

Folic Acid
(folate; vitamin B9)

Question: How can folic acid help fight Alzheimer's disease?

Answer: Research shows folic acid has the following beneficial effects in the brain:

  • Folate promotes mitochondria function and production of cell energy(iv.57)
  • High levels of homocysteine activate receptors on brain cells and helps create an overexcited, inflammatory environment. Folate helps prevent this by breaking down homocysteine. (iv.3968)
  • Low levels of folate are associated with more severe brain cell loss. (iv.64)
  • Folate protects memory, and folate deficiency can cause loss of memory and cognitive skills. (iv.5770)
  • Folate helps delay onset of Alzheimer's if taken with vitamin B12. (iv.57)


Question: How can magnesium help fight Alzheimer's disease?

Answer: Studies indicate magnesium has the following beneficial effects in the brain:


Question: How can myricetin help fight Alzheimer's disease?

Answer: Research suggests myricetin has the following beneficial effects in the brain:

(vitamin B3)

Question: How can niacin help fight Alzheimer's disease?

Answer: Studies show niacin has the following beneficial effects in the brain:


Question: How can potassium help fight Alzheimer's disease?

Answer: Research shows potassium has the following beneficial effects in the brain:


Question: How can quercetin help fight Alzheimer's disease?

Answer: Research indicates quercetin has the following beneficial effects in the brain:


Question: How can resveratrol help fight Alzheimer's disease?

Answer: Research shows resveratrol has the following beneficial effects in the brain:

(vitamin B1)

Question: How can thiamine help fight Alzheimer's disease?

Answer: Research shows thiamine has the following beneficial effects in the brain:

  • As an essential nutrient, thiamine supports mitochondria functioning and helps form cell energy. (iv.3942)
  • Thiamine helps brain and nervous system cells absorb glucose(iv.70)
  • Thiamine deficiency causes symptoms of confusion and memory loss. (iv.70)


Question: How can turmerone compounds help fight Alzheimer's disease?

Answer: Research shows turmerones have the following beneficial effects in the brain:

  • When combined with curcumin compounds, turmerones block production of amyloid-beta proteins and protein aggregates. (iv.81)

Vanillic Acid

Question: How can vanillic acid help fight Alzheimer's disease?

Answer: Studies suggest vanillic acid has the following beneficial effects in the brain:

Vitamin C

Question: How can vitamin C help fight Alzheimer's disease?

Answer: Research indicates vitamin C has the following beneficial effects in the brain:

Vitamin E

Question: How can vitamin E help fight Alzheimer's disease?

Answer: Studies show vitamin E has the following beneficial effects in the brain:


Question: How can xanthorrhizol help fight Alzheimer's disease?

Answer: Research shows xanthorrhizol has the following beneficial effects in the brain:


Question: How can zingiberene help fight Alzheimer's disease?

Answer: Studies suggest zingiberene has the following beneficial effects in the brain:

  • Zingiberene blocks generation and aggregation of amyloid-beta proteins. (iv.81)
  • Zingiberene helps regulate blood sugar and could help prevent formation of AGEs, which are harmful to brain cells. (iv.84)
Cholinesterase. (iv.3)
Biochemical substance that allows transmission of messages from the brain cells to the body. (iv.32)
Biochemical substance that allows transmission of messages from the brain cells to the body. (iv.32)
An amino acid formed from another amino acid (methionine) we get from foods we eat. (iv.69)

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  • Organic Black Pepper Extract - standardized to 95% piperine; dramatically enhances bioavailablity.
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